Automating suites

school What you'll learn

  • How to automate test reports
  • How to setup and handle notifications generated by each test report

Several options are available to fit test suites in your automated workflow,

Github's webhooks Ingress Configure any Github webhook to start a test report
Scheduling Ingress Start reports hourly, daily, weekly, monthly
Test completion webhooks Egress When a report has completed, POSTs a report object to a URL
Email notifications Egress Configurable email notifications sent to users
Slack webhooks Egress When a report completes receive a message using an incoming webhook
API Integration Ingress+Egress Use our RESTful API to completely customise your integration
JUnit XML Egress Suites are available in JUnit XML, a popular pipeline software format

Github's webhooks

GitHub webhooks can trigger test reports using any event in your deployment process, including push events, deployment events and pull requests.

To enable a webhook, the owner must connect to their Github account then choose the Github repository in the suite configuration.

From the project's Github directory, go to Settings > Webhooks > Add webhook, set the Payload URL to "", and choosing which events you would like to start each report.

The secret is optional, suites that share the same repository and secret will all be triggered.

A webhook configured to run a test report when something is pushed to github

How to configure a git webhook to start a test report at every push event


A schedule will start a test report at a regular interval.

The intervals available are hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and every ten minutes (always on).

A test schedule will affect the estimation on the billing page, which can be used to optimise your billing package

Selection options for configuring a schedule on a new test report

Setting a schedule will ensure tests are run regularly, which is useful for monitoring

Test completion webhooks

A webhook will send a POST request to a public URL when a report has completed.

The payload contains a Report object.

Signature: SIGNATURE

    "event": "report.completed",
    "report": { /* Report Object - See API Documentation */ }

The signature is a SHA256 encoded value of the payload, using the secret as a key. Use it to verify Apilicious sent the webhook.

The webhook will retry up to three times if the response fails.

Email notifications

Each account can receive an email for each report, or weekly/monthly summary emails. Notifications can be configured from the account page

Each report An email is sent after each report is completed
Weekly summary A summary email is sent every Sunday
Monthly summary A summary email is sent on the first day of every month
Notifications contain a summary of each test report

An email notification can be sent for each report

Email rules Consider using email rules as a way to raise alerts

Slack incoming webhooks

Post a summary message to an incoming webhook every time a report is completed. Read Slack's webhook guide to learn how to set one up.

Slack chat history containing summary about completed test reports

A short message is sent to the configured Slack channel

API integration

Build Apilicious into highly specialised workflows by simply communicating with the API yourself.

Some useful API endpoints,

POST /suites Create a new suite
POST /suites/{suite}/clone Clone an existing suite
GET /suites/{suite} Retrieve information about a single suite
PATCH /suites/{suite} Update a suite's configuration
GET /suites/{suite}/start Starts a suite, generates a report
GET /suites/{suite}/junit Retrieve JUnit formatted results for suite
GET /suites/{suite}/results Retrieve JSON formatted results for suite
GET /reports/{report} Retrieve information about a specific report
Staging environments The API can be used to re-configure target servers and/or credentials. Clone suites to run tests in parallel.

Authorizing requests

For API requests, you will need to setup an oAuth client with client credentials, all users can do this. The oAuth client always acts as the user who created it.

When you first create an oAuth client, you will be given a secret (once). Remember to copy it into your application's configuration

Some accounts can create a client that allows an Auth Code grant flow so that several users can securely use the same oAuth client.


JUnit XML Format is a well-established test report format.

Apilicious does not run on JUnit under-the-hood, but you can use the API to retrieve a JUnit XML-formatted document and integrated into your pipeline.

Tools such as jenkins can integrate the results within your existing pipeline.

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