Users permissions

school What you'll learn

  • What an organisation is
  • How organisations relate to users, permissions, and suites

Organisations are a sandbox used to manage user permissions. They are similar to a Github organisation (But a lot simpler)


Given suites belong to an organisation, all users of the organisation can view test results and build dashboards.

Assign additional permissions that allow them to run reports, re-configure suites, and manage other users within the organisation.

New users start with a single organisation. That user can create more organisations and invite other users within them.

Permission Types

Each user can be given one or many of the following permissions

Run reports The ability to start a report or update the schedule
Manage suites The ability to update suites within the organisation
Manage users The ability to manage users within the organisation
View suites/reports All users are explicitly given this permission

The owner

Each organisation has a single owner, this user is ultimately responsible for the billing of the suites that belong to the organisation.

The owner has additional configuration permissions that other users do not have, such as the ability to change the Github repository the test suite is listening to.

The owner can transfer ownership at any time, but first must have to consolidate and due invoices.

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