Product Roadmap

school What you'll learn

  • How we work
  • What it means to be in Beta
  • What we are looking at in the near future
  • What features we are considering based on feedback

The aim of the roadmap is to be transparent as possible with what Apilicious is currently capable (or incapable) of.

Every quarter has a single large theme, although resources will be set aside to continually improve the experience or fix critical issues.

The meaning of Beta phase

The Beta phase is just a way of communicating that Apilicious is a new service, and as with all new services, there may be bugs and/or teething problems.

Everything really does work as-described, and the free tier should be more than enough for you try it out for yourself without making a commitment.

The Beta phase will be concluded when all scenarios are confirmed stable (see below)

Q4 2022

Scenario Stability

At launch, we have marked all scenarios as "experimental" until we are able to confirm that they are "stable".

Scenarios that are stable will be versioned to ensure test consistency. After all scenarios are stable, suites can be configured to use the "nightly", "stable", or "static" builds.

The progress of each will be updated in this table,

Scenario Swagger Scenarios (v2) Open API Scenarios (v3)
Baseline - -
Parameters - -
Client Failures - -

Performance monitoring

We continue to ensure the service operates smoothly, and our infrastructure should be more than capable of scaling. As a new product, we need to remain reactive to any unexpected demands of our service, and may have predicted incorrectly.

Q1 2023

Open API 3.1

We aim to test everything that can possibly be tested, which we believe to be true using v2 and v3 of the specifications.

Whilst 3.1 should be backward-compatible with 3.0 of the specification has opened a lot of opportunities for us to add to the test suite.

It's on the list

These milestone features will be added, removed, and re-prioritised based on your feedback. This is a list of that we would love to get done, but need more time to think about (or we need more data).

Multiple geo-locations The test runner will be capable of sending requests from multiple geo-locations
Binary file support Image uploads and downloads will be explored for testability
More visualizations More personalisation options for dashboards will be introduced over time
Plugins Official open source plugins for software such as grafana, jenkins, and circle ci will be created
XML Response validation XML responses payloads are not tested at the same level as JSON responses
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