Cloning a suite

school What you'll learn

  • How to create a suite for the first time
  • How to clone suites, to create several scopes

Cloning allows you to quickly create a new suite without starting from scratch each time.

A suite can be cloned from within the application, or by using an API request - which is useful when testing against different environments, for example.

Choosing which sections to clone

When cloning a suite, you can choose which traits the new suite inherits, they make a big difference to the scope of the suite itself,

Schedule The schedule maintains that the suite starts with similar regularity
Examples Examples will build requests from the same parameters
Authentication Credentials will ensure authorization works the same way
Refinements Skipped tests will keep the same fine-tuning of results
Insights Dashboard and insights will copy dashboards, but will not affect results

Results are never copied when cloning a suite.

Staging environments The API can be used to quickly rebuild a suite with modified configuration
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