Account management

Manage notifications, contact information, billing, and account-level integrations.
Clicking settings at the top will take you to your Account section
Manage notifications, contact information, billing, and account-level integrations.<br/>Clicking <em class="material-icons text-gray-400">settings</em> at the top will take you to your Account section
Individual test reports

If "each report" is selected, every time a report is completed you will receive an email notification

Summary reports

If weekly and/or monthly summaries are selected, you will receive an email containing a summary of reports within each period


Update your billing preferences and see an overview of your current (All billing is handled by Stripe)
Update your billing preferences and see an overview of your current (All billing is handled by Stripe)
Payments by Stripe

Stripe handles all payments, you are only responsible for tests if you are the owner of an organisation

The pricing model

Billing is based on the number of tests performed. In the future we may introduce new features that have a separate pricing model.

Test estimates

Test estimates are based on the schedule. You may want to leave some room for other test triggers

Third party Integrations

Authorize third party integrations, or manage your own oAuth clients for API integration
Authorize third party integrations, or manage your own oAuth clients for API integration
API Integration

Exposing the RESTful API is just one of the tools that enables you to do anything you need. See the test automation guide

What you see is what you get

The API specification is used internally to build (most of) the frontend application

The roadmap

Over time new first-party integrations will be added to this page, see the roadmap for some planned features

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