Codeless API testing and monitoring

An automated framework that uses Open API (or Swagger) specifications to generate requests
Import your Open API specification
This is used to understand how to build requests and assertions against your API
Refine authentication and examples
If the specification is missing anything needed to build a test, you will be able to add more information at any time
Run reports and build dashboards
Once setup, reports can be automated in a variety of ways. Build personalized dashboard to get the most out of results

Test and monitor APIs

Behind every test is a real request which has been built using your API specification

Specification-driven testing

Requests and assertions are built using the contents of your Swagger/Open API specification. Everything that is test-able, will be tested.

Watch requests in real-time

Watch as your tests are planned, generated, sent and stored

Rich debugging information

Each result contains detailed information about the context, reasoning and conclusion of the test

Build and share dashboards

Build customised dashboards to bring visibility to specific issues and share with your team

Drag and drop visualisations

Dashboards are built of several visualisations on a customizable grid

A flexible query language

Filter, group and sort results using a powerful (auto-completed) query language

A library of interactive widgets

Pick from a range of visualisations that help break down and navigate test results to suite your preferences

Sandbox configuration

Fine-tune the behaviour of each test suite to

Intelligent examples

Examples can be static, or be dynamically populated at run-time using the API itself

Requests can be authorized

Private APIs can be tested using (or not using) the documented security in your specification, but can also deviate a little for undocumented environments

Customizable traffic profiles

Select from pre-built traffic profiles or build your own using a simple editor

Fine tune your test suite

Failure sensitivity, response retention, third-party integrations, and throttling can be configured without a single line of code

Automate your workflow

Generate reports manually or configure triggers to run them automatically

Trigger reports automatically

Reports can be scheduled (hourly, daily, weekly, etc.), triggered by a github hook, or using an API request.

Increase visibility with notifications

Email, Slack, and webhook notifications mean that you and your pipeline are immedietely aware of any issues that have been flagged

Integrate with the API

Create your own oAuth client and use our RESTful API specification to extend Apilicious with your own pipelines or applications

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